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Tennessee Immigrant and Minority Business Group, Spring 2019 Quarterly Forum

  • 03/14/2019
  • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Tarter Student Activity Center, Trevecca University, 75 Hart St (on northeast corner of the Physical Education Center) Trevecca Nazarene University, 333 Murfreesboro Rd, Nashville, TN, 37210

Tennessee Immigrant and Minority Business Group

Spring 2019 Quarterly Forum

Thursday 3/14/19 6pm-8pm

Tarter Student Activity Center

75 Hart St (on northeast corner of the Physical Education Center)

Trevecca Nazarene University, 333 Murfreesboro Rd, Nashville, TN, 37210

Free admission and complimentary refreshments

RSVP: John Mickner, john@universalhealthadvisors.com

Networking and key participant introduction

Panel discussions

Practical Pearls to Improve Your Business

Moderator: David Plazas, Opinion and Engagement Director, the Tennessean

Raquel Armendariz, Certified Trainer, Dale Carnegie Training

Tony Colombo, CEO, CBC, Coach

Tim Cummings, PE, Accredited Business Mentor, Cummings Enterprises

Clive Fowler, Managing Partner, Americas Health Options                   

Brian Shun, CEO, Thinkify Advisors

TIMBG board:

Pratik Chauhan, Kip Dodson, Venkat Duddukuri, Mike Fair, Kane Harrison, Zheng Huang, Stellor Khodo, John Mickner (COO), Tony Roberts, Adam Swanson, Jana Truman,

Ming Wang (President and co-founder)

Partner chambers: Tennessee American-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (www.tac3.org), and Tennessee Chinese Chamber of Commerce (www.tccc.us)

TIMBG was co-founded by Drs. Ming Wang and Galen Hull in 2013 for immigrant and minority businesses.

TCCC was co-founded by Drs. Ming Wang and Qiang Wu in 2007 to promote U.S. – China trade.

www.TIMBG.org, www.tccc.us and www.diverseculturalevents.com

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Office:  615-977-8582
Fax:      615-977-8582
Email:   info@tac3.org


2720 Nolensville Pike, Suite 207
Nashville, TN  37211

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